I love how the wide angle gives the image a sense of movement.

Merry Christmas Everybody.
all images protected by copyright © 2007 Sarah Holt Photography. All Rights Reserved.
Standard Adobe color profile... The one that most web browsers pretend doesn't exist.
Standard RGB color profile... Web browsers also won't see this ICC profile, but it doesn't matter because it mimics the color rendered by the monitor (so to speak)
So, apparently (after a little reading) IE and some other browsers like to discard or ignore the ICC (International Color Consortium) profile embeded in the jpeg you post online. You have to convert to the profile used by web browsers to get pseudo accurate color reproduction between the picture you are editing and the picture that you see on the web browser (when doing a side-by-side comparison on the same monitor). This is done in PS by selecting Edit->Convert to Profile...->Working RGB
I tried to make the differences obvious in the above images (glance at the green in the background). Hope this helps someone...
Story time: Sarah wanted a chocolate lab without droopy eyes.
We got a yellow lab with droopy eyes. Ask her if she would want
it any other way now.
He doesn't know how to lay down gracefully. All 93 lbs impact the floor at
exactly the same time. It is a good alarm clock at 3 AM when he re-situates
Naturally, Walker is the #1 best (this has nothing to do with the fact
that I am writing this post and Sarah isn't, really it doesn't)...I mean, he even looks like he is the best.
He even plays like he is the best
He even relaxes like he is the best.
Next time... here comes HAYNE (Spotlight on Dub 2)
They had big-ole spools (for big-ole cable) in the pool so the dogs could rest and hop in and out.
Nope, I'm pretty sure this is mine...
must not want to get his butt wet
at some point, you've got to get tired...
not sure when that would have been, they could have stayed all day.
All three dubs chasing some tall lanky dude.
Walker trying to catch Waylon's ball. It's so easy to start a dog fight that way.
Nevermind, Waylon doesn't seem to care too much. Dub, you have something on your nose.
Wait a minute, other dub... you have something on your tongue.